Future Of Screen Printing
The origins of screen printing can be traced back to China’s Song Dynasty, a period covering the years between 960 and 1279 AD. The printing technique was introduced in the Western world in the 18th century after silk became a more popular trading commodity. The rest, as they say, is history — while screen printing continues to evolve to meet the needs of modern society. But that doesn’t mean that the evolution will continue as it is today and that the future is assured. I believe that screen printing must continue to evolve to meet new needs and demands as they develop. “The challenge, as I see it, is acquiring quality, up-to-the-minute screen making techniques and advance process training. This is specically to meet newer complex and demanding screen-print requirements that manufacturers need to fabricate a nished product; something that is widely inadequate or entirely absence. To meet these exceptional and intrinsic printing obligations, oftentimes, either as a three-dimensional coating requirement or precise uniform ultra-thin deposition; The screening process is taken to a new plateau in execution and performance, but the industry at this level sadly lacks the necessary skills to reach quality objectivity in an acceptable comfortable and protable manner.In terms of digital, it is not a battle of supremacy, but an opportunity to coexist together, playing o each other’s strengths. “This must come about if both imaging technologies, screen and digital, are to get along together in a way that is protable for both printer and customer. The marketplace will change of course, some wanting more of ‘this’ and less of ‘that’ but there will be no outright disappearance or signicant changes to current methods or known/accepted technologies of today. One thing is certain, without the next generation of screen printers poised to take their place, there will be no future. There must be schools & colleges helping to prepare that next generation.Another important factor is the future will belong to those commercial printers who focus on process management through the use of software. “I think the biggest challenge in our industry is organization of production and data. Screen printing is a very production-oriented process with a lot of ow to it. There are not a lot of tools for printers or knowledge on how to systematize their businesses,” .Technology continues to propel the screen printing industry in new directions and being an active adaptor will certainly be a factor for those who hope for continued success, or at the very least, viability. I believe that practitioners and business owners need to begin thinking of screen printing itself as a technology . As with many industries, screen printers will continue to compete with cheap labor overseas. Automation and communication will allow domestic operators to compete on price, but be cautious against chasing big orders by getting into bidding wars that often result in razor-thin margins, along with the very real possibility of getting undercut on subsequent jobs, no matter the quality of service provided. “A customer that forces you to do that will drop you in the end because they don’t respect you. The landscape is littered with companies, and not just screen printing ones, which play this game. Screen printing as a commodity should be dead,”. Remaining viable in the future may require diversication into dierent market segments. The opportunities exist, but aren’t always recognizable to printers who lack vision or the proper training to move beyond their current market and operational parameters.“Screen printing has always been a specialized process, a hybrid of printing, decoration, and manufacturing. If you are in one area, look into others.“Interest in screen printing continues to be strong. So we service people trying to learn and grow.
In conclusion
The future of screen printing will need young skilled people, who go on to work in or start up screen printing shops of their own. They are the next generation. For getting this new generation on board and keep this Screen printing Alive, we must need some Technical Schools & colleges where screen printing education should be given to the students and develop their interest in this eld. And also we will need the people who shared their insights for this story.The veterans who have seen the industry change over the years, but more importantly, the visionaries who can see where it is headed and the innovators who can nd themselves a productive place at the table. In that sense, the biggest challenge facing screen printing isn’t digital technologies or market forces, it is complacency. As long as there are people who recognize screen printing’s unique strengths and believe in its ability to satisfy customer’s needs, there will be a future.
– Mustafa Kamal, CEO